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Is Your Puppy Vomiting?

 Puppy Vomiting:  How to know if it is a serious problem
If you are anything like me, you likely take your dog to the vet every time you notice he/she is behaving outside the norm.  I have three dogs and every one of them has been tot he vet’s office for random things like vomiting, sneezing and eating too much grass.  I swear the last time I took my puppy to the vet for vomiting, he looked at me and said, “Silly, silly Jenna. He’s a puppy.  He’s going to eat things that aren’t good for him.”  The great thing about my vet is, not only does he tell me about the stupid things his dogs eat ( which makes me feel like less of a horrible pet mom) he tells me what behaviors and symptoms to look for that will require a trip to the vet.