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Mesa, AZ Pet Sitter ~ Why Must Dogs Be Leashed and Not Cats?

So, the question has been posed....I'm not sure of the answer, but have been doing a bit of research on the issue and here is what I've found:

There are many cultures that allow dogs to roam free, unleashed.  In some countries it may seem like these dogs are living the high life.  Scrounging for food in the dumpsters, hanging out near touristy areas praying for home sick humans to feel sorry for them and offer a handout.  In these areas it may seem like the dogs have it made, but really, do they?  They live off feast or famine where only the strong survive.  Litters of puppies don't have a chance, they have to fend for themselves as well.  In the areas that dogs are allowed to roam free the humans don't look at dogs as companions they are looked at as vermon and the people don't really interact with them.  It's a stressful life, always on the move.

In the society that we live in today, it is just too dangerous for dogs to be left to roam free.  Not only do they have to dodge vehicles but they have wild animals to contend with, animal control, abusers, and they poop where ever they want spreading disease.  Please refer to my last poopy post (  By allowing dog poop to disintegrate into the earth we are allowing it to get into our ground water, parks, streams, rivers and oceans.

Wild dog packs are also a concern.  Dog packs can be dangerous and intimidating, especially if they are hungry.

At this point, Arizona does not have a leash law in effect for cats.  There are some states that either have, or are looking into instating a leash law for cats.  It's not fair that cats get to roam free, free to poop and pee in our yards.  Cats don't normally roam in packs and are actually considered feral (all of them) where dogs are considered domestic which is where Animal Control comes in to play.

What do you think?  Should there be similar laws for cats as there are for dogs?  Feel free to post your comments!

Play Time Pet Care