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Dog Walking Adventures in East Mesa Part II

We recently told a story about a stubborn Dalmatian who was difficult to walk.  We promised an update on her behaviors and here it is.  If you'd like to refresh your memory on part I of the story, follow the link below:

Part II
This is Shanti.  She and I argued quite a bit when we first started walking together.  There was only 2 things she wanted to do when we left her house. #1 Walk directly to the park, #2 go home.  If we weren't doing one of those two things she wanted nothing to do with me AND she would drag me all the way along the way.

It got to the point that I had to remove her from her neighborhood in order to teach her how to properly walk on a leash and actually walk for a full 30 minutes.

I am happy to report that Shanti and I are back to walking in her own neighborhood, she isn't pulling on the lead and doesn't feel the need to sniff everything along the way.  We are able to walk for a full 30 minutes without arguing about which route to take and we are both LOVING it.  Shanti has become such a wonderful dog to spend time with.  She is full of love and is super playful.  I still take Shanti to the park occasionally just to spice up her life and she LOVES car rides.  She is now on her way to losing some of her extra pounds and becoming a more healthy dog.

Is your pooch overweight?  Call us today for your no obligation consultation...480-292-9735.